
2021-11-04 Leisure time
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2021-11-04 Leisure time
发布日期:2025-01-03 18:46    点击次数:139
  Leisure Time 第七期 一、Global Vision1、Vaccines for children above 33至11岁人群新冠疫苗接种启动China has approved three domestic COVID-19 vaccines for emergency use in children aged 3 to 11, aiming to vaccinate all eligible children by this year's end, a health official said on Saturday. Wu Liangyou, deputy director of the commission's disease prevention and control bureau, said recent research and studies have shown that inactivated COVID-19 vaccines are as safe and effective among people aged 3 to 11 as they are in people aged over 18.国家卫健委疾控局副局长吴良有10月30日表示,目前国药中生北京所、武汉所,科兴中维的新冠灭活疫苗已经获准在3至11岁人群中开展紧急使用,我国将积极引导3至11岁适龄无禁忌人群应接尽接,力争在年底前完成全程接种。He said two inactivated vaccines developed by Sinopharm and one inactivated vaccine created by Sinovac Biotech have been cleared for emergency use in people aged 3 to 11.研究显示,新冠病毒灭活疫苗在3至11岁人群中的安全性和免疫原性,与18岁以上人群没有显著性差异。He added that vaccination targeting young children will also abide by the principles of voluntary participation and informed consent.吴良有表示,将按照知情、同意、自愿的原则开展3至11岁人群的新冠疫苗接种。As of Friday, 3.53 million doses had been delivered to the age group, Wu said.截至10月29日,3至11岁人群已接种新冠疫苗353万剂次。 2、Supermarkets use cardboard cutouts to hide gaps英国超市用照片替代实物Tesco has begun using pictures of asparagus, carrots, oranges and grapes in its fresh produce aisles, prompting ridicule on social media.英国连锁超市特易购已经开始在其新鲜农产品通道中摆放芦笋、胡萝卜、橙子和葡萄的图片,此举遭到网友嘲讽。Shoppers have spotted fake carrots in Fakenham, cardboard asparagus in London, pictures of oranges and grapes in Milton Keynes, and 2D washing liquid bottles in Cambridge.消费者们在费克纳姆看到了假的胡萝卜,在伦敦发现了印着芦笋的硬纸板,在米尔顿凯恩斯看到了橙子和葡萄的照片,在剑桥发现了平面版的洗涤液瓶。The tactic comes as shortages of truck drivers, pickers and packers on farms and food processing plants lead to low availability of some items in supermarkets.超市采取此对策是因为英国的农场和食品加工厂缺少大卡车司机、采摘工和包装工,导致超市某些商品供应不足。Problems at ports, where handlers are struggling to cope with a surge in deliveries for the festive season, are also leading to shortages.港口的问题也导致了货源短缺。港口装卸工人正努力应对节日期间交货量激增的局面。The rise of online shopping, has meanwhile led to many supermarkets no longer stocking non-food items, such as televisions, CDs or kettles, that they once did, leaving areas of empty space that many have been unable to fill with alternative products.与此同时,网络购物的兴起导致许多超市不再像以前那样储存电视、光碟或水壶等非食品类商品,留下了许多无法用替代产品填满的空白区域。Some have brought in other services, such as opticians, key cutting or dry cleaners to take up space.一些公司还引入了其他服务,如眼镜店、配钥匙店或干洗店来填满空间。 3、Responding to Climate Change: China's Policies Actions《中国应对气候变化的政策与行动》白皮书发布China released a white paper on Oct 27 to document the country's progress in mitigating climate change, and to share its experiences and approaches with the international community. The white paper, titled Responding to Climate Change: China's Policies and Actions, was released by the State Council Information Office.国务院新闻办公室10月27日发表《中国应对气候变化的政策与行动》白皮书。白皮书介绍了中国应对气候变化的进展,并与国际社会分享了中国应对气候变化的实践和经验。Besides the preface and conclusion, the white paper consists of four parts: China's New Responses to Climate Change, Implementing a National Strategy of Actively Responding to Climate Change, Significant Changes in China's Response to Climate Change, and Building a Fair and Rational Global Climate Governance System for Win-Win Results.白皮书由前言、正文和结束语三部分组成。正文包括四个部分,分别是:中国应对气候变化新理念,实施积极应对气候变化国家战略,中国应对气候变化发生历史性变化,共建公平合理、合作共赢的全球气候治理体系。Confronted by the challenges of climate change, China is willing to work together with the international community to ensure the Paris Agreement delivers steady and lasting results, and make greater contributions to the global response, according to the white paper.白皮书指出,面对气候变化严峻挑战,中国愿与国际社会共同努力、并肩前行,助力《巴黎协定》行稳致远,为全球应对气候变化作出更大贡献。 二、Fun Stuff1、Eager beaver 工作卖力的人非正式搭配 “eager beaver” 比喻 “对工作热忱、干活非常卖力的人”。例句Look at James. He’s done all his work by lunchtime. He’s such an eager beaver!看看詹姆斯。他午饭前就把所有的工作都做完了。他真是个干活卖力的人!As you’re such an eager beaver, would you like to write some more scripts?看你工作特别勤奋,想多写几篇稿子吗?I’ve been an eager beaver, doing the housework before our guests arrive.我干活可勤奋了,在客人到来之前一直在做家务。 2、Not a hair out of place 衣冠整洁,一丝不乱表达 “not have a hair out of place” 用来比喻某人的“外表形象非常干净、利索,衣冠整洁”。例句The bride looked perfect – she didn’t have a hair out of place.新娘看起来很完美,装扮得完美无瑕。He turned up for the interview very smartly dressed – he didn’t have a hair out of place.他出席面试时穿着得体,衣冠整洁。You are always so put together – without a hair out of place.你总是那么衣冠整洁,干净利索。 3、It’s all Greek to me 我完全不懂表达 “it’s all Greek to me” 的字面意思是 “这对我来说全是希腊文”,实际用来比喻别人的话语或文字 “对我来说非常难懂,完全不明白”。例句His handwriting is so bad, I can’t read it. It’s all Greek to me.他写的字太难看了,我看不懂。看着就像天书一样。Do you understand the character’s accent in the film? It’s all Greek to me!你听得懂电影里这个角色的口音吗?我完全听不懂。I don’t know what she’s written in that text – it’s all Greek to me! There are so many emojis!我不知道她发的短信里写的是什么,我完全看不懂!里面的表情符号太多了! 三、Encyclopedia of culture1、paper 纸Paper, zhi , was a Chinese invention.纸的发明源于中国。2,000 year ago, Chinese invented paper-making.2000多年前,中国人发明了造纸术。This zhi was made of silk and was so expensive that only the emperor and aristocrats could afford to use it.这种纸用蚕丝做原料,价格昂贵,只有皇帝和贵族才能使用。1,900 years ago, a eunuch called Cai Lun improved the paper-making process.1900多年前,一个叫蔡伦的人改进了造纸术。He made cheap jinzhi out of tree bark and rags.他利用树皮破布造出了轻便而又廉价的纸。The improvement in paper-making spread zhi far and wide,and  many different types of  zhi were invented by Chinese people.造纸术的改进使纸广为流传,也出现了很多品种。Xuan paper , a kind of high quality rice paper, best shows the charm of traditional Chinese painting and calligraphy.宣纸最能展示中国画的魅力。Jute paper is used to transcribe Chinese classics.黄麻纸 多用来书写中国古老的经书。Later , Chinese zhi spread to the West via the Chinese Silk Road.后来中国的纸经过丝绸之路传向西方。Thousands of years of culture and civilisation were recorded on zhi 千百年来,文明被记录在纸上,传递到世界各地。 2、Printing 印刷A Chinese names Bi Sheng invented movable type print around 1,000 years ago.大约1000年前,中国人毕昇发明了活字印刷术。The movable componentd are cubes made of baked clay活字,就是一个用胶泥制成的长方体石块。Characters were carved on each piece of clay , which looked like the seals widely used in China.每个石块上都雕刻着一个汉字,这些字块就像中国人常用的印章。The movable components could be arranged freely to form different vocabularies and sentences.活字之间,可以灵活地排列组合组词造句。They were fixed on an irron plate with frames in certain sequence印刷时用带框的四方形铁板做底托。Then ink was painted and a piece of paper was laid down.刷上墨,盖上纸。A printed sheet was created this way.排版整齐的印刷品就这样诞生了。This technique improved the efficiency of printing and transformed traditional transcripion into modern printing.毕昇发明的活字印刷大大提高了印刷效率,让传统的手工抄写发展成为批量印刷。Scripts and pantings spread widely in the world with the help of yin shua.文字图画借助印刷术更加快速广泛地传播到世界各地。 四、Life Answering MachineRefusing to Settle The Quarter-Life Crisis不要在年轻时选择安逸So then I met believers. I went to a leadership program that bring together 20-somethings interested in creating social change, social entrepreneurship, and using business for good. The program was called StartingBloc and at StartingBloc I met believers.然后呢,我结识了几位有信念的人。我去参加了一个领袖计划,这计划把20多岁的小年轻组织起来,一群有志于制造社会变化、社会创业、把商业活动用于有益的事情上面的人。这计划叫“起跑器”,在那里我结识了有信念的人。I met people like Debbie. Debbie was starting GoldieBlox, a toy company that teaches young girls engineering skills. I met people like Ted. Ted started MoneyThink, which is a nonprofit that teaches financial literacy and entrepreneurship to urban youth. 我认识了像Debbie这样的人。Debbie创建了GoldieBlox,是一间玩具公司,专教女孩子们工程技术。我认识了像Ted这样的人。Ted创建了MoneyThink,是个非盈利组织,专门向城市少年教授财政和创业方面知识。I met people like Tom. Tom started Rising Tide Car Wash, a small business in South Florida with his father, that employs people with autism.我认识了像Tom这样的人。Tom在佛州南部创建了Rising Tide Car Wash的一个小公司。与父亲一起创建的,专雇用有自闭症的患者。So I met these believers and they're like, Wait a second Smiley, you want to leave D.C., move to San Francisco, start writing, start supporting social entrepreneurs? You have to do that, the world needs you to do that!当我认识的他们的时候,他们都说,“先别忙,Smiley,你想离开华盛顿,想搬到旧金山,开始写作,开始做支持社会创业者的工作?你得说干就干啊,这世界很需要你的支持!”Because a crazy thing happens when you find believers: you find accountability. Normally in the real world, you tell someone you're going to quit your job and they're like, Yeah dude, you said that six months ago. Everyone's going to quit their job. 你知道吗,当你遇到有信念的人的时候,有件预想不到的事情也会发生:你遇上“落实责任”。一般来说,在现实中,假如你对某人说你要辞职,他们会说:“嗨,这事你说了有6个月了吧。人人都会说要辞掉工作。Whatever. You're not going to do it. You tell someone you're writing a book: Everyone's writing a book, I'll believe it when I see it. Not when you tell believers, because when you tell believers you have accountability.随便,你才不会辞呢。”假如你告诉某人说你想写本书:“人人都说要写书。你真写出来我就信。”要是对方是有信念的人,他们就不会这样。因为有信念的人听了之后,责任就落你身上了。The only reason I did have that talk with my boss, the only reason I did quit my job, I did move across the country to a city I wanted to live in, the only reason I did write a book, the only reason I started supporting social entrepreneurs, 最终致使我找了老板谈辞职的事的,致使我把工作辞掉的,致使我横跨国土搬到我现在住的地方的,致使我写了一本书的,致使我开始做支持社会创业者的。and the only reason I'm standing here right now is because people like Evan held me accountable. Because when you find believers, you find accountability.致使我站在这里做这个演讲的原因,是因为像Evan这样使我落实我对自己的责任的人。因为当你遇到有信念的人时,你就知道要落实责任。People like Debbie and Ted and Tom weren't talking about making lots of money. They weren't talking about rising up the corporate ladder, getting featured in TechCrunch or Fast Company. They were talking about making the world more innovative, compassionate, and sustainable. 像Debbie、Ted、Tom这样的人,他们谈论的不是赚多少钱。谈论的不是如何在职途上平步青云,不是在TechCrunch或Fast Comany做风云人物。他们谈论的是让世界更加革新、更加有同情心、更具持续性。  播音主持:田金桐 李依珊 陈泽润 孙玉颖责任编辑:管  博责任审核:芦文慧